KPW Print Management


Carbon Balanced Paper

A simple way to balance the carbon emissions of your office paper and printed marketing communications

As part of KPW’s commitment to ensure environmentally sustainable business, all paper used on commercial printing is Carbon Balanced.

What is Carbon Balanced Paper?

  • Carbon balanced paper is achieved through our partnership with the World Land Trust who manage the  preservation of important standing forests which are under threat of clearance, this helps to Lock In Carbon that would otherwise be released and continued the absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

How does using  Carbon Balanced paper help my company and the environment?

  • The average carbon impact of the paper you use in your business can now be measured, and in turn OFFSET through your printing partnership with KPW and in turn KPW’s partnership with the World Land Trust. Through this initiative your company is taking greater steps towards a carbon neutral world. So positive is the reaction that we are receiving that many of our customers are now including this in their own environmental policies and statements while engaging with us on other ways they can reduce their carbon footprint.

Why is it important?

  • The time for discussion and debate is over, the time for meaningful action is now, and It is through important sustainability focused initiatives such as this that we can all do our part to help combat global warming and deliver against corporate and social responsibility commitments.  We are not going to solve every problem overnight, but together and one step at a time we can make a difference.

The trading situation is difficult particularly now, we can’t afford to increase our prices, how much extra will this cost on a typical print job?

  • We are proud to say that there will be no additional costs to our customers for the use of Carbon Balanced paper, KPW is making the contribution to this scheme on your behalf.

The world is a big place, there are a lot of environmental issues, what kind of difference will this make, really?

  • Thanks to you and our other customers who do business with us on a daily basis we all share in the results and the positive impact that carbon balanced paper is having.  In short the answer is its making a bit difference, just look at some of the figures below.

By using Carbon Balanced Paper from January 1st 2020  to June 30th 2021, KPW has balanced through World Land Trust the equivalent of:

has been Carbon Balanced.
0 Tonnes of CO2
which is the equivalent of
Car kilometres neutralised (or 115,182 miles) based on a petrol car​.
0 Km

This support will enable World Land Trust to protect

of critically threatened tropical forest
0 sq. m.

This sounds like something I really want to be a part of, where can I find out more, can I do more?

  • Why not speak to one of our customer care representatives or your account manager for more information, and we will keep you up to date on this programme,  We will also be happy to talk to you about all the positive things KPW are doing and changes we are making to how we operate our business to help protect the environment and promote sustainability. Carbon balancing is only a small part of the things we do every day to make our workplace more environmentally friendly. Alternatively you can visit the World Land Trust website

* Data from Defra 2018 GHG conversion factors. For further information on the land area preserved through your use of Carbon Balanced Paper please visit


Issued on 10/07/2020
Certificate number CBP003922 
Presented by Antalis

Latest numbers:

From 01/06/2021 to 30/06/2021  KPW has balanced the equivalent of 3,732kg of carbon dioxide protecting 2,612 m2 of critically threatened tropical forest

Issued on 12/07/2021
Certificate number CBP007674